A little while ago, I found myself in a situation where I raised a topic with somebody and, instead of responding to my complaint, the other party responded by ranting about a number of other issues, flipping things back around on me, and basically going on and on until I was too tired to bother saying anything else. My response to this was: “Wow, forget that I said anything. I’m sorry that I brought it up.”
Then I had this thought: maybe that’s basically what Job is saying in response to God’s rant. He brings his complaint before God and God goes off about the creation of the world, sea monsters, and who knows what else. Job might be thinking: “Wow, forget that I said anything. I’m sorry that I brought it up.” Or, in other words: “Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to you? I lay my hand on my mouth.”
I’m not sure how serious you are here, but the whole I’m-bigger-than-you irrelevant rant that God goes on probably contributes the fact that Job is my least favorite book of the Bible.
I’m not sure how serious I am here either but I’m at least half serious.
Well, even if you are half serious, I still laughed. Sea monsters, eh?