1. On behalf of myself and many others, thank-you so much for your leadership role in bringing about the cancellation of the Bush visit to Toronto. My spirits soared upon receipt of the news.
    I was part of the mobilization to stop Bush visits in Calgary and Saskatoon (my home) in 2009. And am helping out from a distance (in a small way) in relation to Bush’s Surrey B.C. speaking engagement on Oct 20th.
    Your success is a great motivator: it can be duplicated in Vancouver (Surrey).
    www . sandrafinley . ca – – you’ll find a chronology of the international efforts to get Bush arrested and tried for war crimes. Your actions become part of the chronology. There are people around the world working together – – we will succeed!
    Best wishes,
    Sandra Finley

  2. instead of feeling proud, you should feel ashamed. you created a site that has done way more harm than good. its people like you that make me embarrassed to say i’m a Christian. simply put, it is cowardly.
    I believe that God is love, and if God is love, I surely do not think He would be approving of a website that tears people down.
    so congratulations on creating something that is going to have many repercussions for a long time and has hurt many people. what a way to repay Tyndale for the time you had there…