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Book Giveaway — Biblical Studies

First of all, congratulations to Josh Chin, winner of last weeks Emergent giveaway.  This week, as we continue to celebrate the birth of Charles (by spreading the love), the theme of the books being given away is ‘Biblical Studies’.  The books included are:

  • Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey by Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough;
  • The New Testament: An Introduction by Norman Perrin;
  • New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors by Gordon D. Fee;
  • The Cross of Christ by John R. W. Stott;
  • Old Testament Exegesis: A Primer for Students and Pastors by Douglas Stuart;
  • Genesis: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) by Derek Kidner.

I should conclude with a reminder and a clarification.  The reminder is that all of these books are used and most contain at least some markings made by prior readers.  The clarification is that only those who are interested in receiving all of the books mentioned will be included in the draw (this saves me hassle and money on postage).

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  1. Hey J. Archer,
    My workshop is entitled, “Abandoning Our Home Amongst Impotent Powers: Pursuing New Creation in Solidarity with the Poor”. My wife and son will also be in attendance (if everything goes according to plan)… will you?

  2. Dan, I’m going to be at the conference with a bunch of friends/church people. I will either attend your workshop or send someone else to.