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Conversations: Past and Future

Well, I’ve enjoyed a number of good conversations on blogs other than my own, over this last year, and I thought I would link to a few here (for those who are interested… and for my own reference).
The first was a conversation at Ben Myers’ blog regarding Tom Waits (see here).
The second was a conversation with Gregory MacDonald, the pseudonymous author of The Evangelical Universalist, regarding hermeneutics (see here).
The third was a conversation I began with Michael Wittmer, author of the recently published Don’t Stop Believing: Why Living Like Jesus is Not Enough, regarding original sin (see here).  Unfortunately, Mike appears to have bowed out of that conversation rather early (so it goes on blogs).
So, there are a few past conversations that have stood out to me.  I’ll mention one future conversation now as well.
On March 21, 2009, I’ll be leading a workshop at the Evolving Church Conference in Toronto.  The conference is titled “Amidst the Powers” and the keynote speakers are Stanley Hauerwas, Walter Wink, and Marva Dawn.  Other workshop speakers include the likes of Brian Walsh, Sylvia Keesmaat, June Keener Wink, and many others.  I will be presenting on this topic: “Speaking about ‘the Powers’ from Places of Privilege: Challenges and Contradictions” (for those who might be interested, you can see the conference website here).

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  1. Speaking of Waits, I’ve always kinda wanted to listen to a discussion between him, Bruce Cockburn, and Rich Mullins. Cohen could serve the drinks.